Landing your 1st fish is a great event. For this young angler it was a struggle with this fine Cod.
The past week was an unusual one with a fierce sudden gale on Friday. This must have scattered the fish in Dingle Bay as the catch rate has been down. over the week end. Last week A bunch of ‘Jokers’ from BF Desmond Marine, Kinsale, fished on a bright Saturday afternoon. We had a lot of laughs including some unusuall ‘feathers’ fabricated no doubt at the eng. works in Kinsale, no names.
That evening in the pub the fish got bigger and the feather fabricator was found out Ha Ha !
Yaan and friends were back on Sunday. Yaan & Co students at UCD returned to break Yaan’s record which he did.
Again mid week is broken weatherwish but looking foreward to the week end and next week with an unusual guest Angler !!