Last year we had a varied time with fishing, whale watching, bird watching and general Family Fun.

A peaceful Basking Shark in the Blasket Sound May 14
What about the dolphins ? they are very playful and curious.
While you may not be a fisherperson the views of the Kerry coastline are spectacular, very few have seen our county from the sea.
The Blasket Sound is a place of rapid currents and big fish I hope we have a calm year again like last year, around mid March I will be starting booking trips for the Spring fishery I will be charging the same as last year €500 charter rate for up to 12 anglers.

Those of you who would like to learn some boat fishing and are new to this please contact me. I have all the different types of gear you will need and my advice is also freely available. Normally start with some jigging feathers them on to booms and even trolling. Trolling the bottom is an expirement I will be trying soon, I have 2 Cannon electric downriggers ready to fish. I’m looking forward to this type of fishing around the many peaks in our area.
Kids get a great kick out of catching their own fish, adults like it also as we have a ‘Catch & Cook’ plan. you catch it we prepare it you eat it at the local pub now that’s novel !

Davey fileting for a ‘Catch & Cook’ night.
Nothing beats your own Cod Pollack or Mackerel cooked fresh after a day on the water for adults a ‘pint’ or two will complete the experience.
So Guys and gals start booking your trip and remember the weekends are usually busy. If you do not have a group 10/12 don’t worry you could join another small group of like minded fishers for a day.

I remember this group we caught good mackerel early, at lunchtime I cooked the fish aboard and in a few minutes I had to return to the galley to cook more, the fish went down a treat, can’t beat fresh, I cook most days that are calm enough to enjoy the meal outdoors on deck.

Apart from the fishing we often come across Common Dolphins, Basking Sharks and Whales. Meeting a pod of dolphins is great as you can watch their antics from the bow as they bump and push each other.
The Searach Rock is east of the harbour and very popular especially for short trips.

OK get your thoughts together, shake off the winter blues and book with me on 087 2213 900 or e-mail
Full day Charter €500 Half day charter €300or €65 singles, rods and start gear supplied Free !
More on this site later,